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"Emmy Lu changes the  face of art in Los Angeles."
Los Angeles Times

International Projects
The Inter-Continental, The Nairobi Hilton, Diani Reef Hotel,
Mombasa Beach Hotel ( Kenya), Dana Hotel (Izrael) 
The Patio Hotel Clyde Bank (Scotland) London Hilton (Britain).
 The New Otani; Tokyo, Japan.
Corporate Art Collections
                Sony Reocrds, Capital Records, Motown, Holland Group, Bonanno Restaurant Franchise          ( Las Vegas)
International Christian Aid ( Frankfurt, Germany) Ecklinder Zeitung news, Filderstadt Zeitung news (Germany),    London Hilton (Britain).

Newspaper Reviews and Magazines
Los Angeles Times,  Beverly Hills Currier, Beverly Hills News, Beverly Hills Magazine, Santa Monica News, LA Weekly, Hollywood News, LA Watts Times, The Sentinel, London Times, The Sun, Ealing Gazette (London), Santa Monica Chamber of Commerce News.Nairobi Times, Nairobi News; Kenya, Flash Magazine (Japan), Ecklinger Zeitung,
Filderstad Zeitung (Germany).
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