Emmy Lu
Artistry which stands the test of time
The Oscars
Emmy At the Emmys
Emmy Lu is a Beverly Hills based artistic icon, sorrounded by all the trappings of celebrity, ambience and the smell of money. It is indeed also true that most of these glamorous protruberances intertwined with this enviable enclave this effusive artist has painted. Emmy is rated among the top most selling and avon-garde artists in the world. His intriguing works of art represent a man whose creative ideas are sentimantally lofty and fervid. He is a transcedental artistic maestro who approaches his inventiveness with sincererity and ardent disciplined travail of inmmaginative judgement. The press refers to him as "A Happy colorist". Although he is known for his philarthropic propensity in supporting various charitable causes, he must also be commended for his unselfish efforts and desire he exudes advising and helping other artists to learn the mothods of marketing their work and making it to the top by beating all odds in a highly competitive tough profession. Some known names in the art world whom Emmy has rendered his adivisory have also become intenational icons.
Emmy's eclectic and prolific prompesity has been compared to that of Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dali by some art critics. There is charm to Emmy's work. There is no medium he has touched without dexterous expertise. Despite his accomplishments and elevating comparisons, Emmy exhitbits no signs of self-assertion. It is indeed a compound of modesty and great talent which makes Emmy Lu's creativite uniqueness great treasure to those who collect his brilliance. His amazing works of art have been exhibited in museums, reputable galleries and also featured in recognizable international fashion and interior decor magazines.
Perhaps the biggest endorsement of his artistry comes from the many celebrities, notable business exectives and politicians who have acquired his masterpieces. His art adorns many international hotels and major corporations. His paintings have been showcased at Grammy Awards parties and other "Holywood Industry" engagements.
His musical concepts have also been used for CD covers and other music media outltes. His artistic charitable contributions have been officially commended by the cities of Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica and Atlanta and Frankfurt. Feature articles about his work appear in leading newspapers such as New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Beverly Hills Courier, Santa Monica News, NewYork Times, London Times, Flash news in Japan, Ecklinger Zeitung and Filder Zeitung in Germany.
Suffice to say, Emmy's work has gained much commercial success, it is nonetheless not void of recogonizable academic background befitting a grauate from Margaret Trowelschool of Art, formally an affiliate of London Shoool of Art. Emmy Lu tremendously benefitted from a great draftsman and realistic British painter Professor Cecil Todd, who for two years lectured him in painting and History of Art. Emmy also gained years' skills in drawing from the training of world renowned British author, Jonathan Kingdon. The latter has written numerous books on African mammals, a prominent research associate of Oxford University and winner of the 1993 Silver medal of the Zoology Society of London. Emmy must have combined Professor Todd's expert taining in color balance and detailed compositional approach to painting with Jonathan Kingdon's instructions in Life drawing and anatomical analysis to develope a highly skilled creative component. With such a rich artistic background cemented by such revered academicians, he was well-suited to embark on a long artistic trek and forge his own dramatic identity.
Emmy Lu has at this juncture established an indelible mark on universl creativity with his breathtaking fertile immagination. He continues to advance a truly coginitive profesional product with absolute mastery. He continues to transform his unorthodox artistic legacy into an admirable virtuoso. It is this progressive mindset anchored in an evolvoing experimental visual construct which has catapulted this versalite artistic magnet to international recognition. Emmy remains a symbolic vanguard of unimpeded imaginative specrum. Like any artist, threatening waves of failure have in the past struck to nullify his progress. He has nonetheless always unflinchingly steered his business ship back to straight course. Emmy Lu takes great pride in having been among the first 10 artists to publish their work in a digital format currently referred to as Giclée. He unsuccessfully tried to convince mainstream galleries to showcase his work in the new art ordonnance.
Most art dealers were nervous handling something time had not tested yet. Emmy Lu resorted to marketing his work with surrogates to intrepid art buyers. In a few years the rest was history. Giclées are now seen everywhere as a legitimate and faster way of publishing fine art.
Thanks to Emmy Lu's relentless innitiatives.
Emmy Lu embarked on a globe trotting journey not even knowing the bearings of his final destination. His artistic world has sometimes been armorphous but he has gallantly dwelt in it with vigor short of self pitty. His determination to attain higher goals has challenged him to perfom audaciously. Using his immense creative prowess and business sagacity he has affably spearheaded his creative mission to deserving global success, owning his own gallery in Beverly Hills.
A diffident constructive artist, Emmy exposes to the world pallatable intallectual assemblages which challenge our imagination. Creating a continuum of compound reflections of our society and its sorroundings, this multi dimensinal artist dramatizes his canvasses with ideas presented not to merely please the eyes but to instigate an inner conversation. He indeed actuates spatial concepts contigous to our own personal bearings. Emmy conjors dainty colorful composites magnetic to our eagerly searching eye. Emmy renders to a cadre of artistic excellence profusely embbedded in ethereal doctrine amassed in opulent ideas. There are confines of hidden meanings in every piece produced by such an exempolary brain power. It is without a doubt this very spirit of artistic adventurism which make Emmy Lu's ubiquitous proficiency highly notable and destined to stand the test of time jettisoning his years legacy into sunsets of art history.
Emmy Lu, a true artist proliferating a uniquely diverse array of imaginative drudgery touching hearts and minds of many viewers who sincerely admire and appreciate his art form and its beauty. Credit must also be assigned to those individuals who encouraged and supported his artistic development as well as those who handisomely keep purchasing his work.
"Emmy Lu, indeed a pioneering genius of our time." Los Angeles Times